Creative writing exercise ;)
Riotous colors spin in a circle, the pinks and purples blending in a girlish whirlwind. The wind catches Angelica's hair, and light blond strands stream backwards from her face as she feverishly pedals. My little baby sister - she of the big blue eyes and dimples, who cried whenever someone tried to put her down, who waved at every passing car and only knew that food was "hot" - is racing me, daring me to keep up.My feet rythmically pound the pavement as I jog besides her. "C'mon, Jessica!" she says. Yesterday she told Mom that mohawks weren't "fashion." She signs her name in tipsy capitals all by herself, dotting the "i" with a little circle: A-N-G-E-L-i-C-A.
My breath comes in short gasps now. Despite my best efforts, she's pulling away. After all, she has the laws of physics and nature on her side; there's nothing I can do to slow down her progress, even for a moment.
Last night she refused to eat the one remaining piece of cake, so that she could share some with my brother. Monday she asked Mom why the neighbor boy can't speak clearly, and why the girl on TV was sad.
"Freeze!" she orders me, and I want to tell her that no, she should be the one freezing in place, but she's already pedaling away, balencing precariously on her training wheels, gravel spitting out from behind her like babyish habits to be left in the dust.
She pulls into our driveway first, white wheels crossing the black tar. "I winned!" she calls, happy until she sees my melodramatically crestfallen expression. "It's ok," she adds. "You winned too!"